just a short one today, where I let the fanbase know I am still alive (basically)

Well, how awful has this been.  Well, heck, I’m dramatic to begin with.  Last night to early this morning was it’s own brand of fresh hell.  I’d love to go into the details but I’ll spare you.  Just saying:  be sure to wash your hands obsessively.

The nurse’s line in BC is a nice thing – staffed 24 hour a day.  I gave them a call around 12:45 am last night.  Absolutely nothing my mouth, they said, until you have been, well, not unwell for at least an hour.  And then small sips every 20 minutes.  Oh sure, but by then I was so dehydrated I was fantasizing chugging down  7-up.  Alright, so I chugged down water.  Big mistake, people, big big mistake.  May that be a lesson to you.

After staying up all night, I felt a bit less death like this morning. I for some reason texted poor wee United Church minister Beth at like 5 am and asked if someone in the church could please bring me Gatorade.  She did it herself, even though it is a huge Advent church day!  Sniffle, thank you Beth.

Tomorrow I won’t venture out really, no need to so why, I say.  Dramatic person that I am, I always seem to hang on to viruses long after most people have resumed normal living.  At least  I ‘m not missing work!

so, cover letters- an intro.  Do you like writing cover letters?  how the heck can you make them unique?  I’ve been tempted to write:  “Dear Sir/Madam quack and quack and la la la and sister wives.’  Would anyone notice?  I’m starting to think not. It does get dull – attach your cover letter to a job that you will never ever hear from, like that.

Eeek, this is a bit negative.  Sorry, I’m ill (have I mentioned that).  On a side gross note, it seems stomach lining looks like tofu.  Just saying.

Better posts to come.